Parkway Day Nursery
Parkway Day Nursery

Our Testimonials

View Our Testimonials

“Staff have established very positive relationships with parents and provide opportunities for them to contribute to their children’s care and learning.

Effective evaluation and reflection help the management team to monitor the quality of the nursery.

Staff and parents contribute to ongoing plans for continuous developments and improvements.

Staff have a good understanding of how children learn and develop. They provide children with interesting and exciting learning opportunities. This helps ensure all children make good progress in relation to their starting points.

The key-person system is strong and helps support children to settle well and to become emotionally secure quickly.

Staff give children lots of positive compliments and attention to help them feel valued and happy. Children are confident, independent and behave very well.”

– Janet Fairhurst, OFSTED, June 2018

“I highly recommend this nursery due to the lovely staff and environment.”

– Eve Jones

“The Quality of teaching is consistently good and some outstanding. Pre-school children recieve excellent teaching which prepares them extremely well with the skills they require when they go to school”

– OFSTED July 2014

“Children are supported in their learning at home as superb partnerships are in place to involve parents and carers in their child’s learning and development.”

– Nicola Jones, HM Inspector

“Children with Special educational needs and/or disabilities are exceptionally well supported, through the robust and effective partnerships between parents and external agencies and services.”

– OSFTED July 2014

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